To evaluate objectively all positive and negative features of GMO we decided to determine how much benefit and harm they bring us. If GMO appears, somebody needs it!
Now we don't know the cosequences of GMP eating. Some leading specialists think that if a man uses GM-sausage once, it won't do him any harm. But we eat it every day! They say that in many years GM-albumen will reach a dangerous concentration in an organism. The main source of the danger is the unperfect technology of creating GMO. Genetic enginering is a highly developed science, but inspite of it, the genetists, creating GMO, do it blindly. Building in a fragment of a gene, they do not now exactly, where it will stay and how it will work. The transformed cell has got new unpredictable peculiarities. There are some reported facts, that in the places of GM-crops growing, some populations of insects dissapeared, new forms of weeds appeared. The soil was polluted chemically and biologically especially in the places where crops were grown. It's a very actual problem for Russia because our country owns a great deal of genetic resources of agricultural plants and animals, which should be kept for the next generations. Some experiments on rats were held: those ones who ate GM-products had some violations in the cell structure of somach and liver, the formula of blood changed, the weight of the body and the brain decreased. These experiments showed bad influence of GM-food on the organisms. The manipulations with genes can be followed with:
The experiments were held on mice, that ate normal potatoes, Bt-showered potatoes, Bt-modified potatoes. It caused great changes in mice's liver and other organs. Surely, there are no objective approvements that GMF will be able to cause any anomalies in future, but there are no objective approvements that GMF won't do it either. In Russia there are no laboratories where the quantitative tests on GM-albumens contained in products can be held in the necessary volume. There are no official methods and tools for regular monitoring the processes of GMO creating. "The seed-fund of Russia will be destroyed, and Russian agriculture will depend completely on transnational corporations.The spreading of GM-sorts will lead to the situation when Russia loses its status of a country that produces ecologically-safe food" - Vladimir Kuznetsov, the chairman of the scientific counsil of Russian science academy. |