Nowadays we live in the century of a technological progress, and new technologies came inside our everyday life. They are not so very wonderful and unexplored for a modern human now. But the people started to think about their advantages and disadvantages.
Most of the people take care about their health. And food is one of the most important its factors.It influenes our health most of all.
So, it's not astonishing that we are interested in the contents of the products we buy, in their usefulness, and if they can do us any harm.
But it is not always possible to get true information about a product in a store.
Yet for some time Mass Media have been writing about the products that were made with the help of the genetical engineering. But this information is discrepant sometimes and does not give us the complete picture of this problem. The products that contain GM-sorces have very special appearance which attracts buyers and makes them buy these products.
The question appears: "What do we eat?"
To answer this question it is necessary to determine the products containing GMS, to find if they are marked. Also we should know where we can find some information about the laws on the genetical engineering and about the organizations protecting the rights of the consumers.
We decided to conduct some investigations on the problem and display the results on our site.
We hope, this project will help us to answer the question :"What do we eat?"