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Our steps to inform our local society about our researches.

Providing the action "What do we eat?"

           After we had got so interesting information about GMP, we decided to present our ideas and conclusions to our local society. For that we conducted the action and called it "What do we eat?"

           For the first we presented our investigation to our schoolmates. How did we do it? We prepared two reports - for the Science classes on the topic "Genetic engineering and the plants' world" and for the Society classes on the topic "Genetic enginering and the laws of the society".

Then we interviewed our scholmates and asked them the following questions:

  1. Have you known about genetic engineering before?
  2. Have your attitude towards GMP changed today?
  3. Do you agree with the idea, that we should know what we eat?
  4. Will you buy the products if you know they contain GMS?
  5. Will you tell about this problem to your friends?

We've got the following results:

The number of the students asked - 150.
22% of them had known about this problem before.
The rest of the questions were asked to those who didn't know about GMP.

They answered the questions and the results we have displayed as a graph:

           It shows us that a half of the respondens had changed their attitude towards GMP. And most of them thought we should know what we eat. But 68% of the students said they would continue buying products which are GMS-marked. And 84% of the respondents are ready to discuss this problem and are sure it's necessary to tell about it.

Publicating our conclusions in a local press.
           The school newspaper "The Gymnasium of the XXI century" has been being published for five years. We asked the editor of the newspaper to place the information about our investigations on the pages of the newspaper. The member of our team, Alexander Deryabin became the author of the articles. Here are the articles:
Issue №3 (26), December-January, 2004-2005

Our Gymnasium has been participating in the project «Doors to Diplomacy» for two years. The aim of this project is to create a Web-resource, devoted to the Diplomacy's contribution into different world problems' solutions.
This year we've chosen the topic
"Genetically Modified Products". What is it? I'll start with the fact, that all of us, no matter if we want it or not, use GMP. The problem is: we can not distinguish between GM-products and natural products, because in Russia the information about GMS is not published on packings. To compare: in many other countries GMP are sold separately from the other natural products and they are much cheaper. But the problem is not in money, it's our health. This branch of genetic engineering is not studied well. But some experiments on mice and rats were held. And they showed that GMP can influence badly on our health. We'll inform you about our investigations on the pages of this newspaper's next issues and will publish the URL of our site, which everyone can visit and decide: What do we eat?
           In the previous issue of our school newspaper in the article "What do we eat?" we told you about the problem of GM-products on our tables.
           By this time we had explored this problem in detailes: we've got a consultation in Omsk Regional Sanitary Inspection service and The Consumers' Rights Protection society. We got acquainted with the laws and resolutions that regulate GMP spreading in Russia. We explored the assortment of the products in the stores of our city.
Issue №4 (27), February-March, 2005

            We noticed that very few people know about this problem, and while they buy products in the store,they do not think about the information on the packings. The shop-assistants of even the biggest supermarkets do not have the full information about the products on the shelves, which contain GMS.
            On the site of Greenpeace in Russia we found the list of GM-products, that are sold on the Russian market. This is only a part of that list, the products which are sold in Omsk: Kit-Kat (a chocolate bar), M&M’s, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Fruit & Nut, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, 7-Up.
            We interviewed the people. The number of the students asked - 150. Only 22% of them had known about the problem of GMP before. The rest of the respondents were asked some questions:

  1. Have you known about genetic engineering before?
  2. Have your attitude towards GMP changed today?
  3. Do you agree with the idea, that we should know what we eat?
  4. Will you buy the products if you know they contain GMS?
  5. Will you tell about this problem to your friends?

           The graph shows us that a half of the respondens had changed their attitude towards GMP. And most of them thought we should know what we eat. But 68% of the students said they would continue buying products which are GMS-marked. And 84% of the respondents are ready to discuss this problem and are sure it's necessary to tell about it.

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