Providing the action "What do we eat?" After we had got so interesting information about GMP, we decided to present our ideas and conclusions to our local society. For that we conducted the action and called it "What do we eat?"
For the first we presented our investigation to our schoolmates. How did we do it? We prepared two reports - for the Science classes on the topic "Genetic engineering and the plants' world" and for the Society classes on the topic "Genetic enginering and the laws of the society".
The number of the students asked - 150. 22% of them had known about this problem before. The rest of the questions were asked to those who didn't know about GMP.
They answered the questions and the results we have displayed as a graph: It shows us that a half of the respondens had changed their attitude towards GMP. And most of them thought we should know what we eat. But 68% of the students said they would continue buying products which are GMS-marked. And 84% of the respondents are ready to discuss this problem and are sure it's necessary to tell about it.