Producing food with the help of GMS is a rather young industry. To evaluate the safety of the new products we need much time. Some generations of consumers should change one another to get acquainted with GMP closer. One of the most exciting for the public questions is GMP marking. These marks do not indicate if the product is safe or not. The buyers need it to make a free choice according to their principles, religion, health, etc. "There are a lot of genes in an organism and we can't take into account all their relations", - it is the main slogan of the opponents of GM technologies. Of course, we are not sure why, how and what for all the genes of potato work. When all the genes and all the albumens are explored, we'll be able to use the features of the plants and the animals without any harm for them and for us or nature. The scientists worked, are working and will work. The genetic engineering is a very powerful tool which is not assimilated yet by the mankind. We should be responsible for making some decisions about permissions and prohibitions of the experiments with GMO. You should decide yourself whether to use them or not. But it's better to have in mind the famous quotation: "Don't do any harm to your descendants". |